Climbing has helped Georgia, a woman on the autism spectrum, to confront her issues and realize that, for her, ‘normal’ just isn’t.
This whimsical short film captures a romantic moment of connection between two people waiting for a train that never arrives.
Another unique Cam Lasley hip hop music video. “We got each others back – until the day we drop – and we never gonna stop.”
Daniel is different. He’s missing something. He only has 46 chromosomes where 47 should be.
Maeve and Billy are separated by the Belfast peace lines. The spark of love has been ignited.
An encounter between 2 young adults with Down Syndrome and a group of youths, has unexpected consequences.
After struggling with many treatment options, a family decides to give their son medical cannabis to lessen the effects of his autism.
When he was a toddler, Alonzo suffered a brain injury. It forever changed the way he interprets the world around him.
An animated documentary that explores the challenges of growing up and living with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Roman doesn’t speak – not a word in 26 years. But the joy he takes in filming and being filmed is one expression of his life with autism.
This groundbreaking documentary, made in 1970, focuses on Georgia, a four-year-old with Autism in her special education class.
A music video for the band, Delay Treesby, starring and featuring the artwork of director Teemu Erämaa’s brother, Tomi.
Adam, a young man on the spectrum, talks about the things he enjoys most – including sirens, roller coasters and car washes.
The music video of the title track from hip hop artist Cam Lasley’s 2012 album, ‘Against These Walls’.
A music video of improvisational musicians from a Hamburg community of people with developmental disabilities.
Anders and Harri are best friends. Anders is obsessed with trains. They decide to go to Getå, scene of Sweden’s worst train disaster.
Andrew is somewhat verbal and can do most basic self-care tasks. He craves the same independence that his brother and sister enjoy.
People with developmental disabilities perform and sing the Turkish version of Pink Floyd’s hit alongside famous Turkish artists.
A boy has a little sister with Angelman Syndrome. Through a poem he wrote, we see the strong bond that exists between them.
Joshua, an 18-year-old diagnosed with autism, overcomes his personal struggles while becoming a champion at the sport he loves.
In the Somali refugee population of Minnesota, many American-born children are being diagnosed with severe Autism.
This video might make you think what people’s lives could be like if we focused more on their abilities, rather than their disabilities.
A young man’s charm and charisma challenges the prejudices of a stranger at a bus stop.
Two people with disabilities navigate through the challenges they’re faced with when their relationship is displayed in public.
Meet Howard, a 55-year-old man with autism, as he travels home to the rural Midwest to confront his traumatic past at a high school reunion.
Funny and heart-wrenching – peoples’ candid and articulate self-awareness quickly shatter preconceptions of the disabled.
What Ben likes about acting is “staring at people, speaking like an American and acting as a different person.”
The story of Deirdre, a young girl from New York struggling to accept Los Angeles as her new home.
A touching and personal poem written by Anonymous and recited/performed by Nadirah McFadden.
A unique and artistically made narrative about a young man who assumes that he might be on the spectrum.
Clark seeks to understand his own difference through his fascination with Sasquatch and Superman.
A strong mosaic narration representing three people of different ethnic origin having a physical or mental disability.
A 1980 Academy Award winner starring 2 young people with Down syndrome. This drama focuses on their desire to have a relationship.
Two young rowers with intellectual disabilities thrive on the companionship and routine that comes with being part of a team.
A young adult with severe autism, Alex is functionally non-verbal and makes what we in the verbal world call art.
Brian’s transformative journey from struggle to empowerment, as he overcomes challenges and discovers healing through yoga and meditation.
The story of a unique art studio which gives artistic and cultural opportunities to artists with disabilities.
A personal look into the lives of three couples with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
After the death of a close friend, a woman with Down syndrome goes looking for her brother.
Vance was diagnosed with autism, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy – now he has a new challenge: dating.
Burt is a man who survived decades of inhuman treatment to become a person who enjoys life to the fullest.
One day the monotony of Jared’s life is up-ended when he meets his pretty new co-worker Marissa.
Follow Jayden, a two and half year old diagnosed with autism, through his first months of school in the Bronx.
Ben is a young man looking for a relationship but wonders if the fact that he has autism changes the way girls relate to him.
Glen, a young man with Down syndrome, played by David Miller, goes on a shopping trip with a personal assistant from hell.
Samson works in his father’s martial arts dojo, dreaming of becoming a professional martial arts stuntman.
A woman who has overcome barriers and whose participation in a community college has enhanced the quality of her life.
Social butterfly, fun-loving, theatrical Celeste enjoys watching back episodes of her favorite soap operas.
A story about a young boy with autism named Tyler Doi who loves wind chimes.
A sweeping music video that so slowly and cleverly reveals the characters behind this slice of pitch perfect indie pop.
James, born with Fragile X Syndrome, finds joy in the smallest things and uses his gift of comedic timing to inspire others.
Despite medical hardships, learning disability and challenges “fitting in” with peers, Ben’s love for life and for music shines.
An adventure film with a cast comprised of actors with a range of intellectual disabilities. But it isn’t a film about disability.
Corey shines as he tells the story of his new life as an artist living with a brain injury.
In Cuba, a group of mothers bring their children with Down syndrome to perform with joy and verve in a park for a public audience.
Madrid dance troop Danza Down enchants audiences with classical ballet, traditional Spanish dance and musical theatre performances.
A unique music video from Lebanon with a universal message of acceptance and tolerance.
Tanner discusses the time when he learned about his diagnosis of being autistic, and how it has actually helped him.
Identical twins born only three minutes apart are separated by a large distinction: Ella has Down syndrome while Eavan does not.
Coal miner Carl Short lives with his 40-year old son Sammy, who has Down syndrome. Who will take care of Sammy?
An uplifting and courageous glimpse into a young woman with Down syndrome and her daily struggles.
Showcases the work of a photographer who featured people with Down syndrome in a high fashion photo spread.
Drag is about transformation. It’s about freedom of expression. But “Drag Syndrome” goes a step further.
Seth lives in a group home with Linda, a woman he loves from afar. Will Seth come out of his dream world and declare his love to her?
A touching portrait of Drona, a Hindu boy on the autism spectrum, as seen through the eyes of Arjun, his elder brother.
Duncan’s showmanship and determination to defy the bullying and fulfill his dream to perform in major cities around the globe.
Simone is 24 years old. He has a permanent job and an overwhelming desire to leave his mark in life.
‘Emergency” is the 2024 music video release from one of Australia’s most unique rock acts. .
A glimpse into the lives of two young individuals with Down syndrome living happy and fulfilling lives.
Can individuals with developmental disabilities be good parents? A profile of Clement & Karen and their two children.
We focus on 4 men raising children with various disabilities as they share their hopes, dreams, joys and challenges.
Ten minutes before a boxing match, a teenage boxer with Down syndrome fights for his right to get in the ring.
Kira, a bright and stylish young woman living with Down syndrome, compares herself to social media influencer, Chantal.
We see the love, admiration and enormous devotion between two brothers once separated by the Willowbrook State School.
Eleven-year-old Anne is a beautiful girl. The kind of girl you can’t take your eyes off. And the longer you look, the more you see her ‘tics’.
An inspiring, heart-warming story about Cory: a brilliant and talented 11 year-old boy with autism with a passion for dogs.
Free follows the path to freedom of people with intellectual disabilities that are locked away in Croatian institutions.
This documentary follows Kyle as he prepares to compete in the 2014 Washington State Special Olympics.
Hip-hop artist Cam Lasley – “Every night I go to sleep – I see visions in my dream – It could be reality – If I would just go for it.”
A mother’s mental strength is tested when she enrolls her son with autism in an ice skating program.
For a boy who feels puddles are as dangerous as whirlpools, how can being submerged in a pool be relaxing?
Harry has Autism and signs of muscular dystrophy. His lifestyle has not been forced on him – quite in contrast, he has even chosen it.
A high school student with Down syndrome pursues her crush in hopes of securing a date for the Valentine’s Day Dance.
Zack Childers is an athlete with cerebral palsy. He was told at a young age by doctors that he would never walk without a walker.
A poem by Cam Lasley, a hip-hop artist with Down syndrome, is performed/recited by Marlon Foster, a young man with an I/DD.
Filippo did not expect to have to spend the day with Alice, a charming young girl he meets on a train.
Daisy waits in a bar for her online date – he is late. A man offers her a drink and she mistakes him for the date who has stood her up.
Seth, a person with developmental disabilities, gives a commentary on a community’s efforts to deny a group home from opening.
A poem by Mark VanSlyke and recited/performed by Gina Watson two people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The “How’s Your News?” crew are at it again with their insightful and hilarious coverage of the 2004 Presidential campaign.
A personal mini-documentary on the thoughts of the filmmaker’s brother Wataru Kubo, who has autism.
An animated music video Rudely Interrupted’s tours around the globe, from airports to hotels, from the suitcase to the stage.
Ziggy loves wigs, guitars and David Bowie. She has a hundred skills and one handicap.
A poem, by Jennifer Fan, in which she shares moments of anxiety. The poem is recited and performed by Nadirah McFadden.
Ollie, a young mother-to-be, faces the possibility of having a child with Down’s syndrome.
Libby provides some insight about the joys of living with her best friend, and big brother, Max, who has Down syndrome.
A poem written by Emily Meek in which she states a variety of her wishes. A Sproutflix Production.
This is a portrait of two artists with intellectual disabilities who use their art to express themselves and reflect the world as they see it.
A glimpse into the working lives of three neuro-divergent artists and their understanding of themselves and their craft.
The extraordinary story a blind musician and soundscape artist who works with children with disabilities, helping them to find their place in a world not made for them.
Bobby and his brother Luke are looking for love… A comic look at the perils of dating with and without an intellectual disability.
Ingrid’s big goal is to hang glide. Her journey to the edge of the precipice took hard work, perseverance and character.
Dane shares his personal story of life with autism, using musical performance and informative dialogue.
Jack Blond is a regular guy with Down syndrome who idolizes James Bond.
An inspirational short documentary about a boy with Down syndrome and his love of baseball.
Jason is on the autism spectrum, but this doesn’t stop him from enjoying a busy and active life in his home state of Iowa.
Jeffrey has a certain flair and a passion to be with people, to help others and enjoy life!
Jess is a true creative with a unique style of her own and the confidence to show her creations to the world.
Two kids on a merry-go-round, one is “normal”, the other has Down syndrome.
Jarell is a teenager with autism who has learned to use hip-hop dance as a means to communicate his true self to the world.
An affable chap, Jonathan takes a huge amount of pride in representing Thames in the Special Olympics.
A music video by Station 17- a group of musicians from a Hamburg community of people with developmental disabilities.
The year is 3168 and Earth is being threatened by the evil Natas. Hope for a peaceful future lies in the hands of the Karate Ruler.
Karla has the sweetest big brother she could hope for. Nordahl loves cuddles and he’s a fun playmate. He also needs lots of care.
A vivacious woman forms an unlikely friendship with a Sudanese refugee through their love of the street dance, KRUMP.
A tale about Viru, a self-proclaimed music buff, and how he survived his first day at summer camp. A Sproutflix Production.
Meet the artists of La Tinaia, a center for expressive activities located in Florence, Italy.
Watch the remarkable story of how Tim Sharp found his voice through art and became an international sensation with Laser Beak Man.
A child who was never expected to walk or speak overcomes incredible odds to become an accomplished visual artist.
During a road trip, Michael, a young man with Down syndrome, is determined to convince his brother to teach him how to drive.
Join Noëll and Gerrit on a transformative road trip where they discover freedom, trust, and their true selves.
A song from hip hop artist Cam Lasley’s 4th album. At the age of 31, Cam begins writing songs that reflect becoming a man.
Sam has a passion to be a dancer, but is too shy to realize her dreams. When Peaches materializes one night, Sam’s dreams transform into reality.
The story of what happens when four young men with autism from a public school, are chosen to pilot a college inclusion program in NYC.
Lou, a boy with a developmental disability, sings and plays the piano, as he tells of his life, his enjoyments and difficulties.
Lori and Peter are showing how people with intellectual disabilities can live, work and thrive in a community.
Rudely Interrupted, an independent rock group with 3 of the 4 members living with disabilities, releases their 5th studio project.
Experience the loving relationship of a mother and her adult son as they hike 900 miles in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
An insight into the life of Lydian Dunbar an electronic music artist who also works in theatre and creates cross platform artwork.
In this story, Max is the principal dancer in a choreographed work that is inspired by the watery world of his dreams.
Lost to himself and the world, Mr. D is drawn into a world of long corridors, lethal waitresses and talk show hosts.
A group of students are preparing a special trip to the beach. Marina, a 15-year-old girl has a strong wish to visit the sea for the first time.
“Mark” will question our tendency to rush through life, while we ignore beauty and fulfillment in the many instances that pass us by.
A poem by Tawanda Renee Shore in which she shares her view of marriage. Recited and performed by Samantha Moore.
Martin is severely brain damaged due to a car accident, and can no longer move or speak. Martin used to live life in the fast lane.
Zach is simply asking the world to listen and to see his little brother, Cam, for ‘who he is’ and not just by ‘how he is’.
For Andrew having a job, going to work and being part of the team is an important part of his life. He is valued at work for who he is and the work he does.
Step into Nikau’s colorful world as he turns to his animator Dad to help fulfill aspirations of bringing the character Munch Jr. to life.
An introduction to Zulu P, a group of four rappers with developmental challenges who create some wild beats.
Miriam lives in a home share, supported by a woman named Annie. Annie controls most of Miriam’s life.
Charlie works as a dishwasher in one of Sydney’s most high end restaurants, where one of her coworkers regularly ridicules and belittles her.
A hand-drawn animation exploring a mother’s natural concerns for her son Joel and his transition into adulthood.
Moyzee is a singer-songwriter who uses his songs as a platform to be heard. A die-hard romantic, many of his songs revolve around love.
Brian is a teenager with autism who indulges his imagination by creating characters, sculptures, and creatures from twist-ties.
Jamie has a learning disability and despite being close to nonverbal, he demonstrates charisma, humor and emotional sensitivity.
Explore the complexities of expression as autistic artist Larry Bissonnette moves between speech, typing and painting.
A young girl tries to understand why her brother, who has autism, is not like the other children and gives her version of the facts.
Features the poetry of Frank Doherty and the performances of 5 young adults with developmental disabilities.
A father-son fishing duo from Brooklyn go fishing in Jamaica Bay, Little Sal uses fishing to connect to the world.
A music video, with catchy-as-all-get-up verses and power-hitting choruses, from one of Australia’s most unique rock acts.
Living with autism is of no consequence for Ben, except when it comes to his boss and finding love.
A fast paced, stream of consciousness insight into the day-to-day journey of a person with Asperger’s Syndrome.
35 people answer the same one question: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
While on an uninhabited island Shanna (11) realizes that she is outgrowing her older sister Mirte (14) who has Down syndrome.
Ray worries about his brother Rick, who has autism. With the help of a counselor, he realizes he may be mistaken about Rick.
To Paul, Thames is a place where he feels especially connected and empowered. People in the Thames community know Paul.
On the day of their mother’s funeral, Dani finds his brother Joel, a boy with special needs, hiding under the bed.
As a 12-year-old grapples with identity, his family faces the emotional realities of his autism diagnosis.
A recycling plant in Warsaw that provides jobs for people with learning difficulties, who would find it difficult to get work.
Seagulls Football Club exists to provide opportunities to people with an intellectual disability in the suburbs of Melbourne.
With unfailing determination, Rodney forces his family to understand his perspective of the world he lives in.
‘Ruggero’ is a comedy that shows that love is not a matter of ability – it is a matter of fortune.
Since childhood Ryan, an artist on the spectrum, has been perfecting the expression of his singular subject: TRAINS.
If you are on the autism spectrum, have a service dog, or both you can probably relate to a lot of these.
A couple shares their personal thoughts on love and marriage 3 months before their wedding, in this candid and touching portrait.
Siblings is a touching look inside the world of those who have grown up with a brother or sister with a developmental disability.
Simon gives us a glimpse into the world of deafness and autism. We see a gentle, hardworking man, interested in the world around him.
An animation starring Ryan, a teenager with autism, which documents his trip to the local store for a snack and drink.
Two young adults with FASD spend a day exploring Seattle and discussing the difficult realities of living with a preventable disability.
As Matthew becomes the drag queen, Mrs. Sparkle, he shares what the transformation means to him.
“Spectrum” combines live action and animation to reveal the underlying sensory differences that create an autistic perspective.
“Spectrum” combines live action and animation to explore the inner sensory experience of autism.
“Stranger Hero” is an action serial featuring the world’s first kung-fu super hero with Down’s syndrome.
Hip Hop artist Cam Lasley performs against the backdrop of crime scenes, parking garages and the streets of Portland, Oregon.
A family film about a waitress who notices that one of her customers is extremely upset and goes out of her way to try and make the customer feel better.
Follow a team of superheroes as they bring new life into a supermarket on the verge of going out of business.
Clark is working on a newspaper article when he gets a call from his aunt about strange happenings at The Lake of the Woods.
At the age of 57, Anand’s aspergers diagnosis brought a sense of validation with a lingering sadness.
Lou may have Down’s Syndrome but she is more than capable of looking after herself and she longs for independence.
20 year-old artist Kayah Guenther explores his strength and masculinity through dance.
A chance encounter between Georges and Harry sets the scene for a carefully crafted examination of love, loss and life rediscovery.
Through the lens of Down syndrome, Zion captures the heart and soul of his family, nature and friends on canvas and ceramics.
Explore the inspiring journey of a neurodiverse girl who found her true self through the unlikely world of tuba playing.
Andrew Pullen collects light globes. He has well over 10,000 of them in one of the world’s largest private collections.
“The Great Little Mouse” is an animated story written by Mary Egan, a woman with developmental disabilities.
A group of women explore their own lives and memories through drawings and animations the director created from their artwork.
After epileptic seizures as a baby, Agnes was suspected of having autism. Her mother, a filmmaker, focuses on the inner family sphere.
There were days when I was made fun of, picked on, and treated mean. From these experiences came the idea of The Imagifriends.
Thomas gets more than he bargained for in his interview at a law firm; a chance to change the lives of a father and son.
Auteur Lorcan Hopper will stop at nothing to see his semi-autobiographical soap opera brought to life.
A short film about autism and identity featuring writer and director Sharif Persaud.
Brothers and sisters have a unique window into each other’s world especially when one of the siblings in the family has autism.
Tom holds a secret in his human heart; a wing beat and a flutter, and it’s bursting to take flight in this tale of magical realism.
A tale of love, money, the mob, the FBI and a 1968 Chrysler 300 convertible. A Sproutflix Production.
When Eyes invade the town of Merryville; the intruders soon make the town unlivable. Features an entire cast of people with I/DD.
Shows how independent and informed a young man with Down syndrome can be. The film gives a glimpse into a life to be proud of.
Celebrate the life of a person with a developmental disability who has become a valued member of the mainstream community.
This auto-biographical documentary follows the filmmaker as he bids farewell to the housing he has lived in for eight years.
Rachel writes a letter to her future children describing her experiences of caring for her big brother.
We follow Topsy and Dave as they grasp the idea of marriage, what it means to them and how things will change.
“Track by Track” follows the story of Kendall Collins, an 18-year-old sketch artist with autism who is on the brink of adulthood.
Hip-hop artist Cam Lasley: “I see it on TV – hear it on the radio – what’s a little boy to do?”
A short poem written by Paul Quinn and recited by Juan Garcia – two people with developmental disabilities.
“Ups Not Downs” shows how one family in the UK deals with day-to-day life with a child with Down syndrome.
Illustrated by sand paintings, the film dives into the hidden world of Veronika, a child with autism and multiple physical disabilities.
A teenage girl who feels left out and ignored by her peers, is inspired to do something audacious in order to get noticed.
A poem written by Neil MacDonald is recited/performed by Destiny Lewis Bell – two people with developmental disabilities.
Junior felt safe and protected with the girl of his dreams, Cat, a superhero from the planet Caton who he created.
Del Rae attends church, volunteers and participates in water aerobics. She also takes care of two women with Down syndrome.
Wayne, a man with limited communication skills, learns the harsh reality of love and romance.
For students practicing interviewing techniques, a simple question receives surprisingly diverse and complex answers.
Young adults interview their parents about what it was like when they were children.
24 people answer the same question: “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?”
A touching, personal and sensitive poem written by Nancy Brown & Vicky Reaves and recited / performed by Nadirah McFadden.
Focusing on an institution located in Staten Island, NY, this film, with reporter, Geraldo Rivera, was one of the first exposés on local TV.
In an age where photography is over-saturated, Ryan combines his photography skills and love of urban exploration.
Wojtek is a Star Wars fan with dreams of becoming a pilot. Together with his dad they achieve what only a few accomplish.
Two artists with autism embark on a global quest to change attitudes about disability and intelligence.
A coming of age tale takes on new depth as a girl learns about love, sex and looking out for those who need protection.
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