12 min / animation / 2001 / USA
The Great Little Mouse is an animated story written by Mary Egan, a woman with developmental disabilities. It is the story of Reggie, a naughty, flying mouse, who helps bring people together.
The narrator and all the voices of the characters are performed by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The extraordinary story a blind musician and soundscape artist who works with children with disabilities, helping them to find their place in a world not made for them.
Benjamin was 7 years old when he moved to Toronto. His neighbor Ramzi was 18 months old at the time. Within a year the boys had become best friends.
A group of women explore their own lives and memories through drawings and animations the director created from their artwork.
A short, experimental film depicting 12 different perspectives on universal, human emotions – all revolving around ‘love’.
A look into the dedication of direct support professionals during and after hurricane Katrina. For months they put others before themselves.
A poem by Cam Lasley, a hip-hop artist with Down syndrome, is performed/recited by Marlon Foster, a young man with an I/DD.
Developed by EPCON