This groundbreaking documentary, made in 1970, focuses on Georgia, a four-year-old with Autism in her special education class.
A personal look into the lives of three couples with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Burt is a man who survived decades of inhuman treatment to become a person who enjoys life to the fullest.
We see the love, admiration and enormous devotion between two brothers once separated by the Willowbrook State School.
This film documents the inhumane conditions faced by individuals with disabilities in grossly neglectful psychiatric facilities.
Free follows the path to freedom of people with intellectual disabilities that are locked away in Croatian institutions.
Explore the complexities of expression as autistic artist Larry Bissonnette moves between speech, typing and painting.
The story of 32 people who were employed by Texas-based Henry’s Turkey Service without proper compensation.
“Where’s Molly?” – Since he was 6 years old, Jeff Daly kept asking that question about his only sister.
Focusing on an institution located in Staten Island, NY, this film, with reporter, Geraldo Rivera, was one of the first exposés on local TV.
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