Established in 2009, Sproutflix curates the world’s most comprehensive selection of films celebrating the lives and stories of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our collection, which includes over 290 titles, is a testament to the depth and diversity of these individuals’ experiences.
We are dedicated to fostering authentic representation, dismantling misconceptions, and championing the beauty of diversity through cinema. At Sproutflix, we are united by the belief that film is a powerful catalyst for inspiration, education, and transformation.
All the films in the Sproutflix catalogue are available for rental and download. The costs are noted on the film’s details page. For rentals the video file will remain on the platform. For download purchases the actual video file will be sent to you.
DVDs can be purchased for select films.
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A music video about the ability of a musician not the disability of a man with autism.
What Ben likes about acting is “staring at people, speaking like an American and acting as a different person.”
A music video of improvisational musicians from a Hamburg community of people with developmental disabilities.
The story of Deirdre, a young girl from New York struggling to accept Los Angeles as her new home.
This film gives a view into the lives of children with autism at home and at school, and profiles the efforts of parents and teachers.
With unfailing determination, Rodney forces his family to understand his perspective of the world he lives in.
After struggling with many treatment options, a family decides to give their son medical cannabis to lessen the effects of his autism.
24 people answer the same question: “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?”
After the death of a close friend, a woman with Down syndrome goes looking for her brother.
“Stranger Hero” is an action serial featuring the world’s first kung-fu super hero with Down’s syndrome.
A chance encounter between Georges and Harry sets the scene for a carefully crafted examination of love, loss and life rediscovery.
Explore the complexities of expression as autistic artist Larry Bissonnette moves between speech, typing and painting.
On the day of their mother’s funeral, Dani finds his brother Joel, a boy with special needs, hiding under the bed.
A poem written by Emily Meek in which she states a variety of her wishes. A Sproutflix Production.
This video might make you think what people’s lives could be like if we focused more on their abilities, rather than their disabilities.
A look into the life and talent of hip-hop artist Cam Lasley.
Andrew is somewhat verbal and can do most basic self-care tasks. He craves the same independence that his brother and sister enjoy.
Three couples travel towards a destination, by foot, by road and by motorbike across a beautiful landscape.
A short film about autism and identity featuring writer and director Sharif Persaud.
Auteur Lorcan Hopper will stop at nothing to see his semi-autobiographical soap opera brought to life.
Developed by EPCON