Established in 2009, Sproutflix curates the world’s most comprehensive selection of films celebrating the lives and stories of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our collection, which includes over 290 titles, is a testament to the depth and diversity of these individuals’ experiences.
We are dedicated to fostering authentic representation, dismantling misconceptions, and championing the beauty of diversity through cinema. At Sproutflix, we are united by the belief that film is a powerful catalyst for inspiration, education, and transformation.
All the films in the Sproutflix catalogue are available for rental and download. The costs are noted on the film’s details page. For rentals the video file will remain on the platform. For download purchases the actual video file will be sent to you.
DVDs can be purchased for select films.
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A 1980 Academy Award winner starring 2 young people with Down syndrome. This drama focuses on their desire to have a relationship.
Seth, a person with developmental disabilities, gives a commentary on a community’s efforts to deny a group home from opening.
A tale of love, money, the mob, the FBI and a 1968 Chrysler 300 convertible. A Sproutflix Production.
An animated music video Rudely Interrupted’s tours around the globe, from airports to hotels, from the suitcase to the stage.
Shows how independent and informed a young man with Down syndrome can be. The film gives a glimpse into a life to be proud of.
Brothers and sisters have a unique window into each other’s world especially when one of the siblings in the family has autism.
Explore the playful ambition of Hannah Dempsey, a young dancer and athlete with Down syndrome.
Charlie works as a dishwasher in one of Sydney’s most high end restaurants, where one of her coworkers regularly ridicules and belittles her.
A look into the lives of three young men on the autism spectrum. This film explores how all three men and their families have found meaning and purpose through running.
A child who was never expected to walk or speak overcomes incredible odds to become an accomplished visual artist.
Since childhood Ryan, an artist on the spectrum, has been perfecting the expression of his singular subject: TRAINS.
An introduction to Zulu P, a group of four rappers with developmental challenges who create some wild beats.
Lou may have Down’s Syndrome but she is more than capable of looking after herself and she longs for independence.
In an age where photography is over-saturated, Ryan combines his photography skills and love of urban exploration.
Harry has Autism and signs of muscular dystrophy. His lifestyle has not been forced on him – quite in contrast, he has even chosen it.
A unique music video from Lebanon with a universal message of acceptance and tolerance.
“Spectrum” combines live action and animation to explore the inner sensory experience of autism.
Can individuals with developmental disabilities be good parents? A profile of Clement & Karen and their two children.
“Floating Boy” is the story of a young man who wants to fly. His father, wanting the best for his boy, wants him to stay grounded.
This documentary follows Kyle as he prepares to compete in the 2014 Washington State Special Olympics.
Developed by EPCON