Established in 2009, Sproutflix curates the world’s most comprehensive selection of films celebrating the lives and stories of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our collection, which includes over 290 titles, is a testament to the depth and diversity of these individuals’ experiences.
We are dedicated to fostering authentic representation, dismantling misconceptions, and championing the beauty of diversity through cinema. At Sproutflix, we are united by the belief that film is a powerful catalyst for inspiration, education, and transformation.
All the films in the Sproutflix catalogue are available for rental and download. The costs are noted on the film’s details page. For rentals the video file will remain on the platform. For download purchases the actual video file will be sent to you.
DVDs can be purchased for select films.
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The story of a man who copes with his disability by living through his dreams.
Another unique Cam Lasley hip hop music video. “We got each others back – until the day we drop – and we never gonna stop.”
Anders and Harri are best friends. Anders is obsessed with trains. They decide to go to Getå, scene of Sweden’s worst train disaster.
An inspirational short documentary about a boy with Down syndrome and his love of baseball.
If acting wasn’t a hard enough job to land, throw in being disabled and see what reaction you’d get.
“Ups Not Downs” shows how one family in the UK deals with day-to-day life with a child with Down syndrome.
Two young adults with FASD spend a day exploring Seattle and discussing the difficult realities of living with a preventable disability.
24 people answer the same question: “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?”
Glen, a young man with Down syndrome, played by David Miller, goes on a shopping trip with a personal assistant from hell.
This groundbreaking documentary, made in 1970, focuses on Georgia, a four-year-old with Autism in her special education class.
This film takes a rare look at the controversial subject of parents with intellectual disabilities and their children.
A crazy night out for a hardcore man with Down syndrome and all his friends! Please note: contains adult content.
An insightful and soul-touching film about Jon, a 40-year old man, severely and profoundly affected by Down syndrome.
Features the poetry of Frank Doherty and the performances of 5 young adults with developmental disabilities.
Andrew Pullen collects light globes. He has well over 10,000 of them in one of the world’s largest private collections.
Actors with learning disabilities rehearse an acclaimed play by Claire Luckham, “The Choice”, a play about abortion.
“Spectrum” combines live action and animation to explore the inner sensory experience of autism.
A man with Down syndrome dreams of reviving his dead mother. An expressive story, driven by visual poetry.
Thomas gets more than he bargained for in his interview at a law firm; a chance to change the lives of a father and son.
Jess is a true creative with a unique style of her own and the confidence to show her creations to the world.
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