Established in 2009, Sproutflix curates the world’s most comprehensive selection of films celebrating the lives and stories of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our collection, which includes over 290 titles, is a testament to the depth and diversity of these individuals’ experiences.
We are dedicated to fostering authentic representation, dismantling misconceptions, and championing the beauty of diversity through cinema. At Sproutflix, we are united by the belief that film is a powerful catalyst for inspiration, education, and transformation.
All the films in the Sproutflix catalogue are available for rental and download. The costs are noted on the film’s details page. For rentals the video file will remain on the platform. For download purchases the actual video file will be sent to you.
DVDs can be purchased for select films.
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Siblings is a touching look inside the world of those who have grown up with a brother or sister with a developmental disability.
Seth, a person with developmental disabilities, gives a commentary on a community’s efforts to deny a group home from opening.
A look into the dedication of direct support professionals during and after hurricane Katrina. For months they put others before themselves.
As a 12-year-old grapples with identity, his family faces the emotional realities of his autism diagnosis.
This animation is a dream sequence of Debbie, a young woman with Down syndrome.
Drag is about transformation. It’s about freedom of expression. But “Drag Syndrome” goes a step further.
Brandon lives in a silent world of deafness and autism. He moves to an uncomplicated rhythm.
Jarell is a teenager with autism who has learned to use hip-hop dance as a means to communicate his true self to the world.
Burt is a man who survived decades of inhuman treatment to become a person who enjoys life to the fullest.
This groundbreaking documentary, made in 1970, focuses on Georgia, a four-year-old with Autism in her special education class.
A 1980 Academy Award winner starring 2 young people with Down syndrome. This drama focuses on their desire to have a relationship.
If you are on the autism spectrum, have a service dog, or both you can probably relate to a lot of these.
The “How’s Your News?” crew are at it again with their insightful and hilarious coverage of the 2004 Presidential campaign.
Zack Childers is an athlete with cerebral palsy. He was told at a young age by doctors that he would never walk without a walker.
Can individuals with developmental disabilities be good parents? A profile of Clement & Karen and their two children.
Follow a team of superheroes as they bring new life into a supermarket on the verge of going out of business.
A touching, personal and sensitive poem written by Nancy Brown & Vicky Reaves and recited / performed by Nadirah McFadden.
Jess is a true creative with a unique style of her own and the confidence to show her creations to the world.
Identical twins born only three minutes apart are separated by a large distinction: Ella has Down syndrome while Eavan does not.
The story of what happens when four young men with autism from a public school, are chosen to pilot a college inclusion program in NYC.
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